National Motivation Network Television Interview

Since we were first featured in the media, the National Motivation Network has received countless inquiries and interview requests from various traditional and Internet media sources.

We invite you to read the featured interview below for a typical Q&A conducted with Daniel St.Pierre in February, 2012.

Q. First and foremost, who came up with the concept?
A. My genius business partner and best friend did. For a couple years we went back and forth trying to figure out how existing communication devices and internet technology could be used to help fulfill people's dreams. One day, Einstein threw out the concept of bottling motivation and selling on ebay. Within 24 hours, I invested time, money and energy toward a domain name, a completed website and an internet marketing campaign in full swing.

Q. 24 hours?
A. Yes sir! I don't waste time. After he mentioned the concept it took me a few minutes to come up with a catchy name and domain. Then I spent a few dozen hours designing a user friendly web interface, and setup a web marketing campaign on Yahoo, Google and MSN. Within 2 days, we had our first "free" customer.

Q. Sound like motivation is not lacking with you Daniel!
A. With me motivation was never a weakness. Neither were skills. I am a success because I have an exceptional outpouring of both motivation and talent, unlike most Americans who are blessed with plentiful talent and skills but greatly lack motivation. It's a shame too many folks tend to pay more attention to spirit crushing criticism rather than character building encouragement.

Q. So you think you have the answer to America's problem?
A. Oh we have answers alright, but not for everyone. We can't help people who don't want to be helped. We can however provide valuable motivation tools to individuals who are looking to achieve or surpass specific goals. What we do is not magic, it's common sense. Think about it. Motivation is at the root of everything that surrounds us. Technology, enterprise, relationships, careers, dieting, I mean everything we do requires a certain level of motivation. I just happen to have plenty to go round.

Q. Don't you ever get stumped? Rejected? Ignored?
A. Yes! Too often than I imagined! We don't work with social duds. People pay good money to hire us, and everyone we work with knows better than to waste their money and our time. Add to this a contractual agreement and you've got a sure thing.

Q. So because people pay good money for your services you assume they are not social duds?
A. Not exactly but generally, yes. It's like the old saying: Quitters never win and winners never quit. Those who go through our signup process aren't the kind of people to ignore or reject our proprietary service.

Q. By proprietary you mean...?
A. I mean proprietary, which means we own the system, the words, the phrases. We worked hard at perfecting our array of services and at training our motivators, so it made sense to trademark our system. Trust me, when the phone rings and one of our motivators holds you accountable for the previous day's efforts, you either proudly glow like a 100 watt light bulb or feel like a pile of cow turd. We don't mess around.

Q. That's an interesting way of putting it.
A. We just don't mess around Jim. We are purpose driven individuals hired to perform a duty that's critical in people's lives. We don't pick lottery numbers or try to predict the future. We motivate people. That's what we do and I am proud to say we are really good at it.

Q. What makes you so good at motivating people?
A. We don't beat around the bush. We deliver motivation, not sugar coating. You want sugar coating buy a pop tart! If it's motivational tools you want, call us. We got motivation. We got it and it's for sale.

Q. Wow! You got me going now!
A. Motivation is contagious. Research shows most people don't lack skills or talent, they lack the drive, the motivation required to succeed. If your goals are reasonable and attainable, we can help you. Otherwise you're a dreamer and the success train is simply going to pass you by. There's nothing wrong with dreamers as long as they're motivated. Walt Disney was a dreamer. I was a dreamer. Trontin was a dreamer. We all took significant steps toward our dream and wrapped our lives around them. Today those dreams are a reality.

Q. So you're in the dream making business?
A. You know I never really thought of it quite like that but yes, we are in the dream making business. My dreams come true with each day that passes. Why not help other folks feel the same way?

Q. Sounds like quite the American dream?
A. You could call it the American dream. I call it life. A good life. A great life.

Q. You're one of the lucky ones. What's on the horizon for the National Motivation Network?
A. Lucky? No. I'm driven! As far as the future for our network, only God knows. I'm happy helping out as many people we can. I'm a simple guy living a somewhat simple life. I was born to do this, so I gladly do it.

Q. Sounds great to me. God bless you Daniel!
A. God bless you too Jim.

<Commentary>You gotta love a man that puts it all in plain English for everyone to understand and for taking the time to sit with us today. I can only imagine how easily he could put out a bunch of websites, market them and never work a day for the rest of his life. Then again, that wouldn't be very Christian. I like these National Motivation Network folks. I think you will too.

For information, email us or call our customer hotline at (813) 421-5490 from 8:00am-6:00pm EST.



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